What role should my personal beliefs culture and values play in the nurse client relationship?

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Outline of studies included in the review

What role should my personal beliefs culture and values play in the nurse client relationship?

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10. Konishi E, Yahiro M, Nakajima N, Ono M. The Japanese value of harmony and nursing ethics. Nurs Ethics. 2009;16(5):625–36. doi: 10.1177/0969733009106654. [PubMed] [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]

11. Borhani F, Keshtgar M, Abbaszadeh A. Moral self-concept and moral sensitivity in Iranian nurses. J Med Ethics Hist Med. 2015;8:4. [PMC free article] [PubMed] [Google Scholar]

12. Borhani F, Alhani F, Mohammadi E, Abbaszadeh A. Professional ethical competence in nursing: the role of nursing instructors. J Med Ethics Hist Med. 2010;3:3. [PMC free article] [PubMed] [Google Scholar]

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16. Alfred D, Yarbrough S, Martin P, Mink J, Lin Y-H, Wang LS. Comparison of professional values of Taiwanese and United States nursing students. Nurs Ethics. 2013;20(8):917–26. doi: 10.1177/0969733013484486. [PubMed] [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]

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19. Adhikari S, Paudel K, Aro AR, Adhikari TB, Adhikari B, Mishra SR. Knowledge, attitude and practice of healthcare ethics among resident doctors and ward nurses from a resource poor setting, Nepal. BMC Med Ethics. 2016. doi:10.1186/s12910-016-0154-9. [PMC free article] [PubMed]

20. Tadd W, Clarke A, Lloyd L, Leino-Kilpi H, Strandell C, Lemonidou C, et al. The value of nurses’ codes: European nurses’ views. Nurs Ethics. 2006;13(4):376–93. doi: 10.1191/0969733006ne891oa. [PubMed] [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]

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NPVS-R item rank and mean scores in nurses

DimensionItemRankMean ScoreSD
JusticeEngage in ongoing self- evaluation193.710.80
Request consultation/collaboration when unable to meet patient needs124.000.69
Seek additional education to update knowledge and skills84.150.79
Accept responsibility and accountability for own practice44.330.68
Maintain competency in area of practice54.300.72
TrustProtect health and safety of the public114.030.73
Promote equitable access to nursing and healthcare133.990.78
Assume responsibility for meeting health needs of Culturally diverse population34.340.70
ProfessionalismParticipate in peer review233.530.88
Establish standards as a guide for nursing practice183.730.83
Promote and maintain standards where planned learning activities for students take place203.710.91
Initiate actions to improve environments of practice143.910.84
ActivismParticipate in public policy decisions affecting distribution of resources243.530.96
Advance the profession through active involvement in health-related activities163.850.79
Recognize role of professional nursing associations in shaping healthcare policy263.440.96
Participate in nursing research and/or implement research findings appropriate to practice253.440.91
Participate in activities of professional nursing associations223.581.56
CaringProtect moral and legal rights of patients64.220.75
Refuse to participate in care if in ethical opposition to own professional values94.150.87
Act as a patient advocate104.080.79
Provide care without prejudice to patients of varying Lifestyles153.890.86
Safeguard patient’s right to privacy24.380.68
Confront practitioners with questionable or inappropriate practice173.810.90
Protect rights of participants in research213.680.83
Practice guided by principles of fidelity and respect for person74.160.71
Maintain confidentiality of patient14.540.64