When a prism and a pyramid have the same base and height the volume of the pyramid is 1/4 of the volume of the prism?

When a prism and a pyramid have the same base and height the volume of the pyramid is 1/4 of the volume of the prism?

beautifulflower beautifulflower


A. 1/3

The volume of the pyramid has the same base area and height as the prism, but with less volume than the prism. The volume of the pyramid is one third() the volume of the prism.

Step-by-step explanation:

pabrainliest at pa follow po!

  • When a prism and a pyramid have the same base and height the volume of the pyramid is 1/4 of the volume of the prism?

  • When a prism and a pyramid have the same base and height the volume of the pyramid is 1/4 of the volume of the prism?

A.1/3 sananakatulong po ako