Why does my black cat have dandruff

Why does my black cat have dandruff
When your scalp itches and you notice white flakes on your shoulders, you know you have dandruff. But did you know dandruff can also occur in cats?

The skin is a constantly renewing organ, so it’s completely normal for the top layer of skin to slough off continually. However, only when skin flaking becomes noticeable is it considered dandruff.

If you’re concerned your cat may have dandruff and you’re not sure what to do about it, our team at Germantown Vet can help. Read on to learn more about signs that your cat may have dandruff and a few treatment options available.

Concerned about your cat’s skin? Contact us today for cat care in the Germantown, MD, area.

Does My Cat Have Dandruff?

It’s easier to see flaky dandruff in the fur of dark-colored cats. The flakes are most often found on their back and at the base of the tail, though any part of the body may be affected.

Cat dandruff symptoms can include:

  • White flakes of skin in the fur
  • Red, inflamed skin
  • Areas of thick, scaly skin
  • Itching
  • Greasy fur
  • Poor overall coat condition

Why Does My Cat Have Dandruff?

Rather than being a disease in itself, dandruff can be a symptom of another condition. In most cases, cat dandruff is harmless. However, if you notice a concerning amount of flaking skin and/or other alarming symptoms, you should have your vet evaluate the condition.

Some common reasons for cat dandruff include:

  • Poor diet: Cats need enough fat in their diet for healthy skin and fur. Dandruff could be a sign of nutritional deficiency.
  • Skin allergies: If your cat comes in contact with something they’re allergic to, such as certain grooming products and shampoos, dandruff may be the resulting skin reaction.
  • Dry conditions: Low humidity may cause your cat’s skin to dry out and flake.
  • Old age: The skin naturally becomes drier with age, making dandruff more likely in elderly cats.
  • Poor grooming: Old or arthritic cats with tender joints may not groom properly, resulting in unkempt fur and dry skin.
  • Sunburn: Spending a long time in the sun can cause sunburn, even through your cat’s fur, which causes the outer layers of skin to peel and flake.
  • Skin conditions: Seborrhea, demodicosis, and Malassezia are skin conditions that can cause scaling and flaking.
  • Parasites: Ringworm can cause flaky patches of skin and hair loss, while mites in your cat’s fur can create the appearance of dandruff. If you think your cat may have a parasite, it’s important to schedule a vet appointment right away.
  • Metabolic diseases: Diabetes and hyperthyroidism can affect the condition of your cat’s skin and fur.

Could your cat’s dandruff be a symptom of something more severe? Contact Germantown Vet today to schedule an appointment for your cat.

How To Treat Cat Dandruff

When you bring your cat to the vet for dandruff treatment, the first step is to discover the underlying cause. The treatment you pursue depends on the condition causing your cat’s skin to flake.

Some of the most common treatments for dandruff in cats include:

  • Change your cat’s food based on recommendations from your vet.
  • Avoid the source of your cat’s skin allergies, if possible. If not, allergen immunotherapy may be recommended to reduce the allergic response.
  • Run a humidifier to bring the relative humidity in your home to about 50%.
  • Treat your elderly cat’s arthritis with medication and by providing a warm spot to lie down.
  • Apply topical steroid cream in cases of severe sunburn.
  • Bathe your cat with medicated shampoo used to treat specific skin conditions.
  • Administer prescription medications to kill mites or treat ringworm. The entire household will need treatment as well to remove all lingering parasites.
  • Begin diabetes treatment with a combination of dietary changes and insulin injections.
  • Begin treatment for hyperthyroidism with radioactive iodine or surgery.

Treat Your Cat’s Dandruff at Germantown Vet

If you think your cat has dandruff, come to Germantown Vet for diagnosis and treatment. We can help with this condition or any other issues your cat may experience.

Contact us online or call (240) 252-7467 today to schedule your cat’s vet visit in Germantown.

A cat's skin is the largest organ on its body, and one of the most important when it comes to protecting it against infection, parasites or irritants. It can also be affected by dandruff.

What is dandruff in cats?

Dandruff is caused when the glands in your cat's skin, which are responsible for producing oil—the sebaceous glands—begin to overproduce. These oils nourish and protect the skin; however, in too great a quantity they can start to irritate your cat's skin, causing flakiness and more shedding than normal.

Your cat has dandruff if you can see white specks in their fur, which may shed onto your clothes or their bedding. Their skin will look dry and may be inflamed. You'll also notice them grooming or scratching more frequently than normal, and you may see some irregular bald patches or general hair loss.

What causes dandruff in cats?

If your cat has dandruff, it can be caused by a number of different things. Dandruff is one of the signs of ringworm, a fungal infection where spores enter your cat's skin and attack the outermost layer. Alongside dandruff, you may notice irregular or circular patches of hair loss, weak or brittle hair, and reddish patches of skin. This highly infectious disease can be treated, but it's essential to visit your vet as soon as you spot any signs.

Your cat's diet can also cause dandruff if what they're eating is lacking in particular nutrients essential to the healthy functioning of their skin. The process of renewing their skin cells uses up to 30%1 of your cat's daily protein intake, so any food they eat should include high quality, highly digestible proteins that are easily absorbed into their system. Omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids contribute to the overall health of the skin, and as they can't be synthesized by your cat's body, they should be a regular part of their diet. Certain vitamins, such as vitamin A, also contribute to skin health, regulating cell growth and the production of oils.

Lifestyle is another factor that can affect the development of dandruff in your cat. If their environment is too warm, it can dry out their skin and trigger an over-production of oils, leading to dandruff. This, along with excessive grooming, which can cause skin problems, is a common problem for indoor cats. If you regularly wash your cat, using products other than cat shampoo can irritate their skin.

How can I treat dandruff in my cat?

If you have identified dandruff symptoms in your cat, it's important to take them to the vet in case they're suffering with ringworm or another infection. If your cat does have ringworm, your vet will treat this in three stages: treating the infected hair, removing any remaining spores, and disinfecting your cat's environment. If the dandruff is being caused by another sort of infection, your vet will advise you on the best treatment.

Feeding your cat a nutritionally balanced, complete food is one of the best ways you can optimize their skin health and prevent dandruff from occurring. If your cat is particularly prone to skin sensitivities, you could also choose a food which is specifically designed to support and maintain good skin health. You should also pay close attention to your cat's environment and lifestyle to make sure you're doing all you can to support their well-being.

Usually, dandruff in cats can be solved; visit your vet for advice, and they will be more than happy to give you ideas on how to keep your cat's skin and hair healthy.

Pibot et al, eds. Encyclopedia of Feline Nutrition, 2010